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     发布时间:2017-03-15    浏览:

讲座题目: How to make model-free feature screening approaches for full data applicable to the case of missing response


讲座时间:2017316 16:00-17:30




It is quite challenge to develop model-free feature screening approaches {/it directly} for missing response problems since the existing standard missing data analysis methods cannot be applied directly to high dimensional case. This paper develops some novel methods by borrowing information of missingness indicators such that any  feature screening procedures for ultrahigh-dimensional covariates with full data can be applied to missing response case.

The first method is the so-called missing indicator imputation screening which is  developed by proving that the set of the active predictors of interest for the response  is a subset of the active predictors for the product of the response and missingness indicator under some mild conditions. As an alternative, another  method, which is called as Venn diagram based approach, is also developed for obtaining a feature screening estimator of the active predictor set of interest. The sure screening property is proven for both the methods.

It is shown that the complete case (CC) approach can also keep the sure screening property of any feature screening approach with sure screening property.  A simulation study was conducted to compare the proposed methods with the CC approach and indicates that the proposed missing indicator imputation feature screening  method outperforms the CC method and the Venn diagram based method in some significant cases and is quite competitive in some other cases.



王启华,中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院研究员,博士生导师,国家杰出青年基金获得者,教育部长江学者奖励计划特聘教授,中科院百人计划入选者, 国际统计研究会当选会员(Elected Member of ISI).